Meet Your Teacher

Stress Management & Psychological Safety Consultant

Amanda Muhammad

Amanda Muhammad is an International Mindfulness Based Stress Management & Psychological Safety Consultant in Dallas, TX. She is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Business Psychology, holds a Masters in Organizational Leadership, and a Bachelor's Degree in Management and Leadership. Amanda is a certified Mindfulness trainer, Compassion Fatigue Trainer and yoga instructor. Amanda teaches individuals how to build resilience and reduce stress as well as how to introduce different practices to the people they serve as a foundation for social-emotional learning, restorative practices, and building resilience. She facilitates a variety of workshops, hosts mindfulness trainings and serves as a coach to schools and organizations both across the country and internationally. In addition to in-person training, she runs a web-based education platform, Mako Mindfulness, created to guide you through her framework of evidence-based practices that change the way we process and respond to stressful situations.

Course Curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome!

    • Meet the Teacher

    • Training Reflection (Discussion Question)

    • Agreements for Multicultural Interactions

    • Liability Waiver

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    Part One: The Call for Self Care

    • Intro

    • You Can Do This!

    • You can't pour from an empty cup

    • Accepting change & uncertainty

    • Recognizing How Stress Shows Up IN You

    • Recognizing How Stress Shows Up IN You - Worksheet

    • Coping Strategies for your Categories

    • What does Self Care Look Like?

    • Personally Coping with Challenging Students

    • Establishing & enforcing boundaries

    • Why you should practice Mindfulness

    • The Mako Method™ Framework

    • The Mako Method Resource Guide (50 Strategies for Managing Stress!)

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    Part Two: Common Concerns & Best Practices

    • Intro

    • The Impact of ACE's (Consider this for your students & yourself)

    • Cognitive Practices Vs. Enabling Change

    • Reimagining Your Classroom

    • Environment

    • Language

    • Accessibility

    • Innovation with Resilience Practices

    • Connecting with Challenging Students

    • Building Positive Relationships with Students

    • Building Positive Relationships with Parents/Guardians

    • Avoiding Toxic Positivity

    • Virtual Considerations - Set Up (Remote vs. In Person)

    • Virtual Considerations - Meeting Students Emotional Needs in a Virtual Environment

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    Breathing FAQ's

    • Should I breathe through my nose or mouth?

    • How often should I practice?

    • How should I sit?

    • Should I open or close my eyes?

    • What if sitting still makes me feel anxious?

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    Part Three: Mindfulness in the Classroom Ideas

    • Intro

    • Resilient Students (Development + Benefits)

    • The Mako Method™ Resource Guide - Classroom Edition


    • • Bounce Back Affirmations

    • • Affirm your name

    • • Affirmation Circle


    • • Movement in the Classroom

    • • Static Breathing Practices

    • • Movement Practices

    • • Infinity Breath (Printable Guided Breathing Mat)


    • • Peak & Pit

    • • Gratitude Break

    • • Handful of Gratitude


    • • Your Best Self Journaling Exercise

    • • Gratitude Scavenger Hunt - Journal Reflection


    • • Rose, Thorn, Bud, Bloom

    • • Perspective & ABC's of Stress

    • • ABC's of Stress (Visual)

    • • ABC's of Stress

    • • The 10/90 Rule

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    Additional Breathing & Movement Exercises

    • Breathing Animation: Square (Downloadable)

    • Breathing Animation: 4:7:8 (Downloadable)

    • Triangle Breath (Printable Guided Breathing Mat)

    • Star Breath (Printable Guided Breathing Mat)

    • Balloon Breathing

    • Stretch!

    • Equal Breathing Practice

    • Trunk Twist

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    Additional Exercises

    • Check In Questions

    • Set Intentions

    • Celebration Circle

    • Tear Up Your Stress!

    • Affirmations Break

    • Would You Rather Discussion Questions

    • Sunshine & Rain (Help Students Process Their Emotions & Reflect on the Day)

    • 7 Day Gratitude Challenge

    • Closing Questions

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    Commitment Reflection

    • Commitment Reflection

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    Create a Great Day

    • Thank You

    • Create a great day! (Downloadable Guided Breathing Exercise)